Honduras Travel Terror

Honduras Travel Terror
Traveling out of the United States is always a challenge but traveling to Honduras has its own travel terror.  The Honduras area is fraught with peril if you don’t know where to go.  If you are brave enough to go shopping in a third world nation then Honduras might be good for you.  Just plan ...

Honduras Cost

Honduras Cost
Everything is cheaper in Honduras.  The economy is such that the cost has to be low.  In the tourist areas the costs will be inflated but just move out of town a bit and find the real deals.   If you can negotiate a little the deals are everywhere.  Never pay full price.  I always ...

Honduras Remains a Botanical Attraction

While viewing photos of a recent vacation in Honduras, it became quite clear that even the most densely populated areas of the country were surrounded by environmental beauty. Indeed, the country is home to some of the most beautiful botanical gardens in the entire world, as many tourists are wowed by the views found in one ...

Alisa Rude Documents Tourism in Honduras

Alisa Rude Documents Tourism in Honduras
When discussing tourism in Honduras, there are no better authorities than Alisa Rude. Mrs. Rude has studied Honduras for over 23 years and is renowned as an expert. Honduras this wonderful country tends to get overlooked by tourist but those in the know will tell you Honduras is one of the world’s best kept secrets ...