Sebastian Hirsch Honduras Education For The Future

From recent educational studies from 2000-2004, 2005-2009 and 2010-2014, statistics have shown that barely 30 out of 100 students complete school without having to redo grades the next year. The statistics reviewed over 15 years has everyone agreeing that the Honduras educational system is absolutely backwards.
More data and stats show that 51% of the college students finish their schooling school within 9 years on average, but there is more troubling news that the number of school dropouts has been seen to increase year by year. Sebastian Hirsch just may be the one to make a difference in this educational crisis. Hirsch says the education board needs to take note of the educational systems of other successful countries and incorporate their ways into the system. “When I was in school, we were told what we had to learn and we were given an strict ultimatum which gave us a sense of urgency to study,” says Hirsch.
Sebastian Hirsch has been working with the children in Honduras schools for the past year ever since the most recent studies of students success rates which was in 2014. His goal is to make sure not one child is left behind. “The children are the future. How can we expect to have a future if we don’t invest in the future? We need to take this seriously. I will be like a butler to these children, servicing them and making sure they succeed. That is my mission.”

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